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AS we are all having to endure an enforced mid season break owing to this dreadful cold snap I am very happy to answer some of the questions you posed on @Sevenbarrows.


Currently there are over 100 questions, so unfortunately I am unable to answer them all but I’ve done my best and hope you enjoy this week’s Unibet blog.



You train arguably the most exciting hurdler we’ve seen in a generation in Constitution Hill. Whilst winning the Unibet Champion Hurdle is understandably your priority can you sympathize with those who might feel a bit short changed with just one more run planned prior to the Festival?

You find me the race and I’ll run him. It’s as simple as that. In all fairness the only other race he could run in would be the Unibet Champion Hurdle Trial at Haydock but it is only three weeks after the Christmas Hurdle and come the middle of January I shouldn’t think for a second it will be good ground, it rarely is at Haydock. Have a look at the programme book yourself.




How involved do you get in sourcing horses? Do you leave it entirely to owners and agents or do you have some say and/or a list of requirements? I’d also love to know your favourite sires too, both historical and present…

There is only one person who does it and that’s me. David Minton and I work together when we are going to the stores sales and he might find one that he thinks I’ll like but I’m the only person who will say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

As for my favourite sires, that’s a very difficult question because it very much depends on who is in fashion at the time. For example Blue Bresil is very popular at the moment and it was the same for Network when Sprinter Sacre was around, but things very quickly change and they come and they go. There are two quite fashionable sires in the UK at the moment and they are Golden Horn and Nathaniel, although I do fear that they are trying to move Nathaniel away from the jumpers at the minute which is rather boring.




I forever wonder why UK horses rarely travel to Ireland for Christmas/DRF. The Irish prove that when travelling over here they more than hold their form so what is the reason we don’t see vice versa for their good meetings?

It’s really very simple. The Dublin Racing Festival is too close to Cheltenham to be travelling over there and getting a hard race. And you will find none of those horses in Ireland get hard races because they avoid each other and are able to go around on their own and we don’t want a heavy dust up, and having to travel, four weeks before the Festival. It would be crazy and that’s why hardly anybody does it. As for the Christmas festivals, we have our own big races including the King George and Christmas Hurdle as well as Desert Orchid and Wayward Lad Chases so have more than enough to keep us occupied on home soil.




When will we see Between Waters and what do you think will be the right trip for her this season?

She’s ready to run right now and we’ll start her over two and a half miles in the not too distant future I would think.




Do you think top horses running less and always waiting for Cheltenham, and the hype surrounding the festival so long in advance, is detriment to NH racing and the product it offers throughout the year?

There probably is too much hype around the festival but the trouble is the fixture book is written with the aim of ending up at Cheltenham in March. It’s called the ‘Pattern’ and you will see for the two mile hurdlers there are about four races in the Pattern prior to Cheltenham so you are slightly limited. For example you could run Constitution Hill in the Kingwell at Wincanton but it comes too close to the Unibet Champion Hurdle and you don’t want to have bottomed your horse and sacrifice being crowned champion. The Pattern is what it says, it’s a pattern with lead ups to the pinnacle races of the season. Unfortunately they have taken a few races out of the calendar, like the Contenders Hurdle, which was a race I liked because it fitted in so well, but now I’m forced to run Epatante against Constitution because there is nowhere else for her to go; albeit it’s unfortunate this year that we didn’t have the Unibet International Hurdle. The good thing this season is that there are four weeks between Cheltenham and Aintree so we are able to run at both.




Are plans still on course for Walking On Air to run in the Stayers and what we’re your thoughts on his last run? Thanks

I think he will come on considerably for his last run and two and a half around Aintree was too short, but he has a long, long way to go before we can start thinking about Stayers’ Hurdles. He will have a few entries over the next week or so and will step up to three miles.




Where will Jet Powered run next? Also how would he compare to past two mile novices’ you’ve had?

He’s a very nice horse but I’m not sure he’s quite in the same league at the moment as our previous best novices. I’m not in any great rush with him because he’s quite an active, busy person who I hadn’t done an awful lot with before Newbury and he will improve a lot for that. He’ll be out in the New Year.




Hi Nicky, the Long Walk being moved to Kempton. Does that put you off running Champ? I  remember in his novice Chase season you had said Kempton wouldn’t suit him.

You are correct. But we have no option and he does prefer to go left handed but we should be grateful they have restaged the race and I would be less worried over hurdles than I would be over fences. In all fairness I think Newbury would’ve suited him and Paisley Park better but I’ve spoken to Newbury who we’re worried the ground would be too quick if the race was staged there and Kempton will have soft ground so we all came to the decision to go there.

I see someone has also asked if Champ will ever go over fences again and to be honest I think the answer to that question is probably not due to various physical issues that he has. He finds it much easier and enjoys jumping hurdles, and is very good in that sphere, so it makes sense to stay where we are.



Do you think you will you be stepping up Shishkin in trip to three miles? I believe it will be the making of him.

The plan is to run in the Silviniaco Conti Chase at Kempton over two and a half and then we’ll take it from there.




How is Firestep and could you please share with us if you have any immediate plans for him?

He will be getting entries over the New Year period and he is going very well at home. I am pleased with him.




Who is the best current horse that you wished you had at Seven Barrows to train?

I am in the very fortunate position that we have some lovely horses but State Man, who won the G1 Unibet Morgiana Hurdle, could be very good.



Would any horse you’ve previously trained keep up with Constitution Hill on the gallops and would you see him as an Arkle horse or step him up over fences?

There aren’t many horses that can keep up with him on the gallops but we always put him with a couple who can go off in front and do their thing and then Constitution joins near the end. Back in the day the likes of Sprinter Sacre and Simonsig would have been as good as him at home.

With regards to the Arkle and fences, I haven’t even thought about that. Let’s get this season out of the way first.



How will this cold snap impact fitness moving into the Christmas period. How much will you adapt your training methods to catch up?

We are very lucky that we have an excellent All Weather gallop that we have kept harrowed all the way through so are able to continue as we always have. We also have a very good Canter Carpet gallop that we can use for schooling when we can’t get on the turf. That comes in very handy, I can tell you.



How is Marie’s Rock and do you think she will be going for the Stayers’ Hurdle at Cheltenham in March?

I would think it’s more likely she’ll go for the Mares’ Hurdle and she’ll start off in the Relkeel Hurdle at Cheltenham on New Year’s Day. We’ll then decide if we want to try her over three miles. Put it this way, if entries for the Stayers’ closed tomorrow, I’d definitely put her in.




Hi Nicky, could you let us know which of your many novice hurdlers are you most excited about this year?

We have some beautiful novices going forward and quite a few to come out yet so it’s difficult to single one individual out, in fact it’s also unfair, but the likes of Jet Powered would come to mind and I must admit I was quite impressed with Attacca at Cheltenham last week because I didn’t think he’d be that high up the rankings at the start of the season.

Someone also asked about Luccia, and she would certainly fit into the above category. At this stage there’s not many better than her. She was forced to miss Ascot and I don’t know where she’ll go next but I’ve got a few things pencilled in.




Hi Nicky, could you let us know what your hopes are for Chantry House following his run at Aintree?

Chantry House is a very good horse and it was very unfortunate what happened at Aintree because he was spot on for that race. There aren’t too many races for him so I might be forced to run him in a Handicap which could come over three miles at Cheltenham on New Year’s Day.




Is The Carpenter showing you much on the gallops and what do you think his best distance will be?

The Carpenter is a very nice horse and I like him a lot. He’ll be out very shortly.




Nicky, how do you like your steak cooked?



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