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FIRST of all I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ from all of us and everyone at the surgery who have sent so many kind messages about Altior. We are very touched and I only wish Altior could read. It means a lot.

I’d also like to give special mention to Kate McGovern who heads up the team in charge of Altior at Donnington Grove, and while he is still in Intensive Care, they are doing the most wonderful job and we cannot thank them enough.

I am pleased to report this morning that Altior had a good night and is more comfortable than he has been so far.

There is still a very long way to go and the next stage is try and wean him off the artificial feeding system towards more natural, normal feed which will test his internal organs and if they can cope. It will be a big change and the question, to put it very simply, will be if his gut will still work, so it’s another big day with plenty of risks involved; with each step comes another big test.

Mick and Chloe saw him last night and said he was definitely much brighter and perkier in himself, which is a good sign. I was unable to visit yesterday but will be seeing him later today and Pat Pugh has barely left his side.

A lot of people say he was a fighter on course and he’s now having to prove it off it as well, but we’re keeping fingers and toes crossed that he pulls through and we’ll keep everyone posted with any further news.

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