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If you weren't a jockey what would you be now?

If I were a man of leisure, I would go racing every day and interview people….. Sound familiar??!!!



If you could change one thing about racing what would it be?

A month-long break in the summer to recuperate.



Do you keep race programmes/memorabilia from your big wins, and if so what's your favourite item?

No I don’t, but I give any champagne won to my valets.



One underrated horse from Nicky's stable in your opinion?

Yellow Dockets; I like her.


@Scottflinton @pigeonjock @barryoldham @Jimmy45087042 @martinhubber86 @lufc_cheetham_b @charlie_5942 @simonkuker @bode699 @lukefarrow @richbaker501

Best chance at the Festival at this stage, other than Altior?

Santini. It can rain all it wants between now and Cheltenham.



Gold Cup or Grand National?

Gold Cup – but, as I haven’t won it yet, the Grand National. So both, really.



Do you think you'll be a trainer one day?

Definitely not. I don’t have the incredible stamina needed to be a trainer.


@alicenabs @nickedwards23 @benosmith17

If you could ride any horse past or present, who would it be?

Desert Orchid around Kempton; a legend of a horse.



Who was your inspiration to be a jockey? And at what age did you think you would ride full time?

I was always interested from a young age but it wasn’t until I did six months with Richard Gibson in France at 18 that my mind was made up.



If you ride one horse from another stable at the Festival, what would it be?

Paisley Park in the Stayers’ Hurdle.



Nico, can you talk a little about the importance of nutrition for a jockey?

It is very important. Discipline is key for all sports men and women.



Who is your closest mate in the weighing room and who is the most annoying jockey in the weighing room?

David Bass is the closest, which is odd because we are so different.

Tom Scu is the most annoying by a bloody mile.



Nico if you were to play in the IJF Football match, what position would you be?




What do you like to do outside of racing?

I’m partial to a bit of DIY.



What's your favourite cheese?

Brie. My time in France saw to that.



Do you galliscise your surname (Bwanveel) or not?

Let’s put this to bed, shall we? There is no French element to my name. None. It sounds like it reads.



Ronaldo or Messi?

Ronaldo – but the original Brazilian version.


And finally…..



Is Tom Scu as annoying in real life as he is in his Twitter profile picture?

Very much so, and also the messiest by far.  He has no redeeming features that I, or anyone else, have discovered yet.


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