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IN the aftermath of announcing that Altior has been retired I thought it might be in everyone's interest to know that Shishkin has recently undergone wind surgery owing to the fact that, after a routine scope, we were just concerned that it might, and I emphasise the word ‘might’, pose an issue later in the year so rather than take time out at a crucial stage we decided it would be prudent to act now rather than be forced to do it mid season if it happened to be necessary.

It is a very routine procedure and nothing out of the ordinary so his training will have minimal distractions and the plan is very much to start off in the Tingle Creek at Sandown in December.

Most of the horses have all arrived back at Seven Barrows after a well earned summer break and we will start to step up their work within the next four to six weeks and look forward to having runners at Cheltenham’s Showcase meeting on 22nd and 23rd October.

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