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Rob Cross vs Michael Smith

Both of these players were involved in draws last week in Birmingham, but then again most participants were. They will feel slightly different about the point they picked up, but I am guessing now that Rob is convinced MVG will win the league phase, he is the more disconsolate with the lack of a win. Neither player played poorly in Brum, but neither looked convincing enough to get the two points either.

In the past week though, Rob has showed more signs of genuine form for me, and he is excelling at the PL format more than Michael Smith. Bully Boy seems to have been saving his best form for the PDC floor events this year, and Rob more so for European Tour action and Premier League, albeit still without a victory in 2019.

A run to the semi-finals in Saarbrucken at the weekend was another sign of strong throwing again from Voltage, but once again he wasn’t able to come away with silverware, and this time he was scuppered by Ian “Diamond” White who lost in the final. 

Michael decided to skip that event which may have serious repercussions on his place in the coming tournaments, and I am not convinced that all is well with the Michael Smith camp. He seems to have been banging his head against the wall most of the year, but now that he will not make the play-offs, maybe he can just throw for fun, pride and a few extra pounds sterling. That is when he is at his most dangerous.

I am still going for Cross here as I feel he is still in the mode of “having to pick up points,” and his ability to play with urgency and sharpness when needed may prove the difference maker in game one of Manchester. Also, Cross on doubles is a way more assured thing than Smith when the pinch is felt. 

Best bet: Cross to win – 17/20

Peter Wright vs Mensur Suljovic

I think it’s fair to say that these two players have been plodding along the last few weeks and doing things that have been very symptomatic of their 2019. Wright and Suljovic both attended The German Darts Open this past weekend and had runs to the last 16 and quarter finals respectively. Wright showed an improvement in his form and it was definitely not his fault that he lost to Dave Chisnall on Sunday afternoon.

The encouraging thing for Snakebite was how he looked, and I am not talking about his hair or attire. He looked hungry to play well, and play well he did. He showed a week ago that he is ready to say goodbye to his play-off hopes but by no means does that say he isn’t going to turn up and try to spoil chances for others. He was on the wrong end of a great display from Daryl Gurney in Birmingham, and he is man enough to say when he is bested. However now, the motive is clear. Entertain, play, spoil and smile. Expect all sorts from Snakey these last few weeks.

Suljovic is in a precarious position in the ladder, and let’s face it, when has he not been? He is level on points with Price and Wade, but his leg difference is way down on theirs. He needs this win, and he needs it by a large margin if he is to squeeze into the top 4. He may also need a slip by Gurney who is one point adrift of him, just so he isn’t looking over his shoulder too much. If Suljovic gets a win, a draw in the last match of the night is ideal for him. 

I have a sneaky feeling Peter is going to turn up in this and spoil Mensur’s night, and throw the playoff spots into even more chaos. 

Best bet: Wright to win – 21/10

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Daryl Gurney vs Michael Van Gerwen

How does Daryl beat MVG again? That is the question. He got him in Berlin by a score of 7-5 which at the time, nobody predicted, but it would take a brave man to back against MVG this time considering he picked up yet another title at the weekend in Germany. Mind you, the only other Euro Tour winner of the year, Gurney, played fabulously in Saarbrucken and was only just edged in a classic by Cross, plus he had a semi-final run on Tuesday at the midweek ProTour event where he was taken out by eventual first time winner Willie O’Connor. 

MVG is buzzing after that 31st Euro Tour career victory, but boy is he feeling a little jammy too after dodging five match darts on the way to that title, and getting away with a point last week against Wade to keep him top of the PL ladder. Wade hit MVG hard last week early, but Michael was able enough to eke out what could be a vital draw which could keep his amazing streak of always topping the league going.

This game will be a lot closer than the part-time darts fan realises. Daryl genuinely enjoys all that comes with playing the world number one, and he sees it as a gauge of where his game is at, right there and then. I am still going to go for MVG in a close match here, as he keeps making smart decisions about his schedule, making sure he isn’t playing too much, but playing enough to stay sharp. I think MVG will top the league, but by how much it is too early to predict.

Best bet: Van Gerwen to win – 8/25

James Wade v Gerwyn Price

Game of the night, and maybe game of the league so far. The permutations of this game are enormous for the O2 spots, and we won’t know exactly how big they are until the Suljovic v Wright game is done. So, how do we establish a favourite in this match? Both players got a draw last week in Birmingham, both players played well in their last ranked events but didn’t win, they both have winning form in 2019 and have the same amount of points in this league (15). 

The only thing to split them is leg difference and that is key here. Wade has a 9-leg jump on Gezzy, and that makes a win way more important for Price. If he draws, he stays below James, but if he can beat him, it's all in his own hands from here, and he knows this. 

Wade has been playing attacking darts all season long, and that was very evident when he remained unbeaten against MVG after last weeks play. He was imperious on finishing as usual and showed real nouse on his scoring, but a draw was all he could muster meaning the situation as far as the league is concerned stays the same. He is the leader of the chasing pack, and if he falters just one small amount, he could find himself guzzumped really quickly.

The draw is screaming at me in this one to keep things tasty going into night 15 in Sheffield, but I think Wade will win this game by a small margin and separate himself from the others. I believe Wade will be going to the O2 in third place in the standings, leaving Gurney, Price and Mensur to fight it out for the last spot. 

Best bet: Wade to win – 13/10

UniBets of the night

1) Rob Cross to win and both players to throw 3 or more 180s – 7/5
2) Wade to have the highest checkout against Price – 17/20
3) Peter Wright to have a bullseye checkout. He will have lots of chances for that in this one, and he loves a bull – 5/2

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