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IT HAS been a long three months since I suffered my injury on April 17, but I am delighted to say that I passed all the relevant tests on Wednesday afternoon and I have been cleared to return this weekend.

Dr Jerry Hill, the BHA’s Chief Medical Adviser, has seen the reports, and also spoke to my consultant earlier in the week, and he is happy for me to book rides as of now.

My recovery has been slow and sometimes frustrating and getting the balance right as regards training versus the pain levels has been interesting and challenging, but thankfully I have now reached the point I targeted from the morning after surgery.

I have been very fortunate that I have had a great team advising and encouraging me from day one of the injury.

They range from Andrew Carrothers, my surgeon, to Kevin Hunt, my physio, and Ross Hollinworth, who has been a massive help training me at Sir Peter O'Sullevan House, which is an amazing set-up, especially with their hydro pool.

So, after satisfying the necessary X-ray and fitness tests, and the general medical, I am pleased to report that I have been cleared to return to race-riding this weekend.

I feel embarrassed even writing this, when you see what has been happening in the world with the devastation of COVID-19, but hopefully this will satisfy and answer everyone’s questions in the racing bubble.

Let us hope the rest of 2020 passes as painlessly as possible for everyone, and a vaccine can be found.

Stay safe.



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