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IT was always going to be a very difficult decision, especially when you are lucky enough to train a horse like Constitution Hill, who could do anything really, but after plenty of toing and froing, and discussions with everybody who cared to offer an opinion, especially Michael Buckley and Nico, we have come to a unanimous and firm decision that Constitution Hill will stay over hurdles for the foreseeable future with another crack at the Unibet Champion Hurdle the main aim for the season.

He hasn’t schooled over fences, simply because the ground has been too quick, but if this rain does keep up, we do have the option of popping him over a fence, but that would be very unlikely and what really would be the point anyway? He is of the age now where if we are going to go chasing, now would be the time to do it, but he has been so good over Hurdles and we also have the issue of stamina, so after consultations with so many people, we believe this is most definitely the correct decision. Never say never but it is most likely he will remain over hurdles for the rest of his career.

We have been so lucky to have enjoyed two wonderful seasons without any problems and the most important thing is that he has to have a trouble-free and healthy campaign to get him back to Cheltenham in March. He’ll most likely start off in the G1 Fighting Fifth followed by the Christmas Hurdle and all being well the Unibet Hurdle on Festival Trials Day ahead of the Unibet Champion Hurdle with one more run at either Aintree or Punchestown.

To some it may be a popular decision, to others it may not, but ultimately, we want to do what we feel is best at the current time, and we all believe that Constitution Hill still has so much to give over hurdles. I’m delighted to report that he’s in great form at home, is cantering away nicely, and is bigger than he has ever been so is doing lots and lots of long, slow work on our deep sand gallop to get the weight down, but all is going well and we have until December 2nd at Newcastle where he will hopefully start his season is style and continue to provide so much pleasure to us all.

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