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Mika Häkkinen is back with a new episode of the Inside Formula One podcast. This episode concentrates of course around the Covid-19-virus and the effects it has had on Mika’s life and on Formula 1. Mika and broadcaster Mark Gallagher discuss the following topics:

– The effects of the lockdown for Mika and his family during the Covid-19 challenge. Mika shares his experiences on home-schooling the children and the effects of normal life being suspended.

– The effect of the lockdown on Formula 1 drivers. (9:30)

– The virtual F1 and eSports and how Mika sees them. (12:30)

– The effects of Covid-19 on Formula 1. Mika discusses the news that the season might start in Austria with 3 races at Silverstone in July. The funding of the teams is also discussed. (15:00)

– How Formula 1 teams have been manufacturing components for ventilators needed to battle Covid-19. Mika reminds us that, thanks to being kept alive on a ventilator in 1995, he is still with us. (33:45)

– Mika’s old boss at McLaren, Ron Dennis, is providing 1 Million meals for healthcare workers in the UK health sector. Mika shares his high regards for Ron. (37:25)

– Mika’s unicycling ability. Mika shares a story how and when he learned the skill and the fact that he wanted to join the circus. Mika and Mark also discuss the benefits of unicycling to train the brain for a sport like Formula 1. (41:00)



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